Thursday, 19 February 2015

The Heartbeat of Stars

Those of you who follow my work will know that I have long advocated a repeating pattern of unfoldment of the universe from the macro to the micro. This is the simple pattern of creation that everything from the largest black hole to the smallest subatomic level follows.  And I have only mentioned the levels that we are aware of here.  

We see this pattern most clearly in what we call black holes hence the theory I have put forward is called The Black Hole Principle. However this is a bit of a misnomer as these cosmic objects are not at all black but the source of infinite light.  

It was with some interest then that I read that astronomers have discovered what they are calling the 'stellar heartbeat' which shows patterns remarkably like the human electrical heart reading that we call the ECG (EKG) in certain countries. 

Composite from Graphic Stock images

Astronomers 'listen' to stars to find out more about their interior. Some stars ring and hum. They also pick up oscillations that they assume are caused by temperature fluctuations. They explain that it is a bit like running your finger round the edge of a wine glass and causing a sound. 

In 2009 NASA launched the KEPLER spacecraft which could measure stellar oscillation data and it found something rather extraordinary. 

In binary stars when the stars circle each other, it causes a ringing and a kind of heartbeat as the stars have a fast swing in brightness followed by fading oscillations. 

This gives light curves that look very like electrocadiagrams. Over a hundred of these heartbeat stars have been found. 

This image includes data collected by the Kepler mission. Funding for the Kepler mission is provided by the NASA Science Mission directorate. © NASA 

It may be an insight at just how similar creation is at all levels. The central creative 'black hole' of the body is the heart. 

The signals that the heart creates may be a mirror of what happens in stellar counterparts when faced with the closeness of another gravitational object. 

Or these stellar heartbeats may be of no significance to the theory at all. Either way, these ECGs from outer space give us a lovely visual of the connection between all of the cosmos. 


1) Rawls M. What's in a Heartbeat? Astrobites. Aug 2014.
2) Thompson S.E. et al.  A Class of Eccentric Binaries with Dynamic Tidal Distortions Discovered With Kepler. ApJ 753 86 

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